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1. In the laboratory, it is mandatory to wear lab coats and safety goggles. Contact lenses are not allowed.


2. Avoid wearing slippers, sandals, casual shoes, shorts (revealing the lower legs), skirts, or any dangling accessories. Students with long hair should tie their hair back to prevent hazards.


3. Smoking, eating, drinking, making noise, or playing are strictly prohibited in the laboratory.


4. Do not place backpacks on the lab benches (use storage lockers inside the laboratory; valuable items should be kept with you).


5. Familiarize yourself with the properties of chemicals, the use of instruments, and understand the experimental reactions before conducting experiments.


6. Do not conduct unauthorized experiments. At least one person from each group must stay present when a Bunsen burner is lit.


7. Ensure adequate sleep and regular meals before lab sessions. Avoid eating, smoking, or using phones during experiments. Leaving the lab during the experiment is not allowed without the assistant's approval.


8. Wear protective gloves when handling chemical substances. Develop good habits for taking chemicals, avoiding contamination, and strictly refrain from overusing.


9. Volatile or strongly odorous organic solvents or acids/bases should be kept away from heat sources. Wear a mask and use a fume hood when handling these substances.


10. Except for acids and bases, which can be diluted with a large amount of water and poured into the sink, all other chemical wastes must be disposed of according to the waste container labels, pouring them into designated waste containers for centralized processing.


11. If glassware is damaged or cracked, refrain from further heating, vacuum use, or disposal in regular trash bins. Place such items in designated collection boxes for centralized disposal.


12. Duty students should arrive early, open windows, turn on lights and fans, assist in distributing materials, obtain distilled water and ice, and, after the class, collect and inventory equipment, tidy up the laboratory according to the duty roster, and leave only after inspection by the assistant.


13. Familiarize yourself with the locations and usage of smoke hoods, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, first aid kits, alarms, eye wash stations, and shower facilities.


14. In case of accidents, immediately notify the assistant or responsible teacher and provide first aid to the injured.


15. After completing the experiment, clean and return equipment, clear the lab bench, wash hands with soap, and only then leave the laboratory.

Tung Hai University Organic Chemistry Laboratory. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2024